Monday 3 August 2009

Honest Award

Huge thanks to the lovely Danylle Leafty over at Myth-Takes for this award!

5 honest things about me

1. Each day that passes, I become more obsessed with...

a) writing
b) reading
c) anime
d) Japanese learning
e) manga
f) videogaming

2. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, believe that myself, and all my fellow unpublished writing friends will get The Call.

3. I really do catch viruses easily. I personally think its my body's way of getting a break, and having a chance to watch heaps of anime and play lots of video games, without me feeling guilty that I'm not reading/writing.

4. I'm a novice seamstress and quilter.

5. I'm definitely a little girl at heart. I'm the one who goes and buys disney flannels whenever I can. I also have a hello kitty and an eeyore towel. And I' my mid twenties.

Who shall I award this to? (have to pick people not chosen by Dany!)

Inky over at Inkfever: I love your honesty in your blog. You say when you're not on the right track with writing. You make goals, and may not always get to keep them, but you keep us posted all the same.

Bethy over at Chocolate Stitches: I regularly follow your highs and lows. Cheering you on for this latest wip!

All the ladies over at An Awfully Big Blog Adventure: I'm a recent follower, and your blog is a true treasure of wisdom from the writing industry. Plus I love the competitions! (I won a pair of books from them).

Liana over at Liana Brooks: I love all your posts, especially the Friday Random. They make me laugh, providing much needed smiles throughout the week. All honest info here :)

Lisa Shearin on her blog. Lisa, the way you interact with your readers is inspiring. You answer our questions without fail (time delays are more than acceptable with the deadlines you have). You tell us the truth about the publishing industry, how hard it is but you give motivation for those of us unpublished, unagented writers to keep going.

Thus ends today's Award post!


Lisa Shearin said...

Awwww, thank you, sweetie! You made my Monday.


Beth Overmyer said...

Thanks, Yuna :-D

Nayuleska said...

:D You're both ever so welcome.


This award giving is fun! Methinks I'll try to create one of my own...Yuna style, of course.

Danyelle L. said...

You are truly awesome!

Suzette Saxton said...

I agree with Danyelle - awesome!

Nayuleska said...

Heehee thank you. *wonders why*

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Beautiful award! Thank you for sharing this, Yuna!

Tess said...

Yunaleska: did you get my e mail? I'm having issues w/ your e mail for some very silly reason. If you didn't get it, can you e mail me again? Maybe I put it in my address book wrong or something...

sorry! i'm really trying...

Nayuleska said...

It's all sorted with Tess now. Emails received :)