Monday 10 October 2011


As in I am writing! Managed nearly 400 words today, which is progress. I hasten to add that I spent nearly an hour re-reading the draft so I got the voices right for the final chapters. Hopefully I'll finish it over the next week or so. I'm enjoying getting stuck into this wip again, especially as Muse has already figured out the sequel and spin offs.

Blogging has been a bit sporadic, ass I'm only doing it when I'm feeling up to it. That's a medium step for me to take, and I finally didn't stress over not having a review up at the weekend. Slowly I'm learning how to relax. It really is an art form.

*yawn* I'm sleepy now, but tonight I hope to get some reading in! Since I haven't read a full book for a week or so, so that's progress too. This is as good a place to stop as any.

Enjoy your evening!

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