Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Another book filled day of wonderfulness

I usually don't enjoy non-writing vacations. But I'm really enjoying myself. It's taken several days for me to really get into it. I'm already champing at the bit to let my Muse loose on the world again. But relaxing....its nice. All I'm doing is reading. I read, I then review/sort out competitions/guest posts associated with the book. Then pick up another book, and read it.

Today's books have all been different. I'm about to start a book based in the 1940's. Earlier books include a book based in India with an enchanted tiger, and a fantasy world that is dark and full of wiggly things.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm sad that tomorrow is my allocated dvd day. It means no reading (although maybe in the evening, it depends how wired I am). I've a few books to send at the post office, but apart from that, its dvds all the way! Naturally I'm watching The Winx - hope to finish season 1 and get into season 2. Eager for every episode, and can't wait to get back on season 3 with the enchantix transformations.

As I'm typing this my cat left my lap, went outside and is now stalking pigeons on the front lawn. They've flown away. She's still trying to get a bird. She hasn't worked out wings means they can fly. She doesn't have wings. Can you imagine if cats did? Poor birds wouldn't be safe...or would they? Cats love sleeping, so the birds would only need to stay away while the cute cats slept.

Wings or no wings, time to read!

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