Friday 25 December 2009

Chapter 3 progress report 2

374 words! I was so happy when i saw that word count. I'd sat down, whacked on a playlist on youtube (not the Noir song), and collaborated with Muse. She and I steam rolled through part of the chapter - I took my time over a few sentences, but I think what I've written is passable. We connected well, and I honestly didn't think I'd made, let alone gone over my word count. I added one more sentence then stopped for the day.

It's very easy for me to do too much these days. I think in time naturally I may move to making 400 words a goal, but I'm not pushing it. If it happens, it happens. 300 is what I'm aiming for. I'm loving the writing time :) I look forward to it every day now.

Time to go give my brain a break. Time for beta reading!

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