Friday 31 December 2010

It's nearly 2011!

In just under 12 hours 2011 will be here. Yay!

2010 = 2 novels completed (one needs major overhaul, the other hopefully minor revisions), plus a few chapters of other novels.

Hopes and Dreams for 2011

I hope 2011 might be a big year writing wise. Inescapable Ties is currently with alpha readers. I'm doing my best to resist poking them. First feedback is very encouraging. Even the bits that are wrong I've got suggestions how to change it, and Muse is getting ideas from that.

The plan is to have IT back with me by February, so I can edit it. It'll get sent back to alphas who will be beta readers for more in depth critiquing. Then hopefully one more round of revision before I can start querying agents!

Yup, you've guessed it. I'm hoping 2011 is The Year of the Agent. I may not get one for ages, but at least I'll be out there in Query Land.

Thanks to everyone who has been supporting me over the last year. It's been a really mixed year for me. I'm hoping 2011 is a bit more positive. I think I'm heading in the right direction though!

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