Thursday, 13 August 2009


I've been quiet's been...interesting, so I've had two days off from writing. Hoping to get some done tonight, although I'm not bothered if I don't. I'm planning an intensive editing weekend! Editing and reading only. Which is why I'm fitting in lots of gaming now.

My muse goes from strength to strength. After this edit of Termion (nearly over!) I'll be working on 1 new wip, and editing a previous wip. I've worked out the main plot for the new wip: set in space, so spaceships, clothes where the designs can be used for weapons/defence, a princess who never seems to die (so appears centuries old), murder....has it wet your appetite?

Later tonight: check out my review blog for the good treats which came through the door this week! Plus Lisa Shearin's interview.


Beth Overmyer said...

Ooh, I hope life's not "bad" interesting :/

*\o/* Rah! Good job, Yuna, on your progress. New project sounds shiny :-D

Angela Ackerman said...

Horay for progress!