Sunday, 30 August 2009


Yes and writing is still not happening. *glares at life*

I'm going to try for 300 words a day. The small amount makes me want to cry, but if I can manage that, it'll be good, right?

I shall laugh if 300 gets to 3000. Or even 1000. We shall see. Maybe 500 word goal?


Elizabeth Mahlou said...

A Russian friend once taught me something helpful in writing. Rather than focusing on the end goal, focus on the present task: "stranitsa za stranitsoj" (page after page) and the end goal will ultimately be reached. It is less overwhelming to think only about the current page.

Nayuleska said...

That's very true. I don't have a problem thinking of or finishing a book. For now...just lack the physical rather than mental energy :)