Tuesday 21 April 2009

Book review #8 The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama

Yes I realise that my numbering of reviews is out a little bit. Never mind!

At least a book I've read from cover to cover. Virtually in one sitting too! (achieved my 1 book a day).

I was after the other book by him, but that has a 12 people waiting list at the library. Read this one. I was impressed with his speech on inaugeration day. I can see why people voted for him. I like his ideas in this book, his insights into the political, social and economic spheres.

I realise that anyone can say anything, but I think he means it. There are some areas which were a bit confusing, because I don't really understand all the ins and outs of American politics, and I hadn't heard of names/events.

However, it was funny in places, and serious in others. There were several sentences which popped up that made me sit and think 'I'd like to quote this'. It made me look at America in quite a different light. How similar it is to England, that it does have vulnerabilities, as well as great strengths.

I definitely wish to read the other book. I recommend it, it opened my eyes to life of Senators, and to the current President of the United States of America.


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Hmm, I'll have to check that out Yuna, after such a great review. It certainly might make a difference in how I view the leader of my country. :D

Nayuleska said...

:) Go for it. Only 370 odd pages.