Tuesday 12 July 2011

Parcel waiting can be productive

Occasionally I have to arrange a day off work to wait for a parcel. It doesn't happen often, so I decided to take advantage of the extra time available, and get some editing done.

Having mercifully discovering how to create index cards in MS Word, (which is heaps easier as writing is hard for me) and working out how to rearrange them when I need to put them in piles for different subplots, I typed up my scene cards, plus a few notes I'd made.

Then I tackled The Sentence. This is used for querying a novel, for promotion - it's what the novel is essentially about.

I'd wrestled with version one, and thought it was fine. I looked at it today and realised it was awful. It had the details I wanted, but it wasn't exciting. Version 1's beginning didn't my protagonist look anything special. So I was amazed that by switching phrases around, Version 2 is more exciting and I want to get to know the protagonist. There may at some stage be a version 3, but for now version 2 is just right.

After a productive morning, I was going to type reviews this afternoon. Yes that is not happening, as I've realised that is the perfect thing to do after work, leaving my free days 'free'. I'm feeling quite tired, so going to have lunch and watch dvds and do some sewing. I might be up for reading later. Winx gets me in the mood for anything! I'll also watch some anime.

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