Wednesday 4 August 2010

Editing progress - 3/21 chapters.

It's Wednesday night. I have edited 3/21 chapters. I have until Saturday night to finish it (and Sunday to type it up). Am I worried? Nope. Not one bit. 

I really feel I should be. But I know how much I can do Thurs-Sat ;) And the first two chapters were the ones in dire need of help. 

I didn't do anything Mon-Tue (well, not much) because I was ill. Better now though. I've spent this evening sorting through emails. I had a lot of things to do. I think I'm on top of it all now. 

Life is definitely a juggling act. I can say I'm getting there, slowly. And the Muse is very optimistic. I've yet to see if I can trust her as much as I am right now! Ask me Saturday afternoon :) 

I do have 3 hours in a coffee shop to edit though - I think I'll make a lot of progress because I won't be online! 

Catch you all tomorrow, with more news (hopefully) on my editing progress. 


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

You can do it! *hugs*

Krispy said...

Those are some daunting numbers, but with the streak you've been on, I know you can do it! GO FORTH! :)